Fund a full-time librarian at each school so that the facility can be available daily.
Fund two full-time staff members at Clayton Primary School.
Fund five paid literacy programme, offering employment and upskilling teachers from disadvantaged communities at each school.
Increase the number of books in each library.
Continue to fund the software and computer for library management/book lending.
Purchase and manage a printer for the libraries.
Provide free WIFI in the libraries.
Continue to stock literacy rooms with readers, games, teaching aids and stationery.
Increase volunteers’ numbers by a third by ongoing marketing.
Create and stock a library at Bhekimpilo Homework Centre.
Ongoing stocking of thick plastic materials for preserving and repairing of old books.

Five computers for each library loaded with literacy software that can be utilised by pupils individually after school to reinforce skills learnt at school.
Set up a full programme at a fifth school.
Feed orphans in Waterloo on a daily basis.
Fund a fundraiser for printing of teaching & marketing materials.